The Next Telescopes

The Next Telescopes


Astronomy has reached a fascinating point. Several new, extremely advanced telescopes will come online in the next few years that are likely to change forever our view of the cosmos. These instruments will be so powerful that they will completely overshadow today’s telescopes. With them we will be able to...

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The Speed of Light: Could it be Changing?

The Speed of Light: Could it be Changing?

The Speed of Light is a key to our understanding. Our electronics, the computer you are using, and even the human brain operate at the speed of this “universal constant.” Through light our eyes and telescopes perceive much of the universe. Our sciences of astronomy, Relativity, and quantum mechanics depend...

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Quitting the Day Job

Quitting the Day Job


I spent every day of the previous ten years in a windowless office, working for a California-based Fortune 500 company that makes cleaning supplies. In March of 2016, I sat down in my director’s office and delivered the news. He sat across from me, tapping a pen on the desk,...

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